Letter to Mother from Enverness, Scotland

Enverness, Scotland  
American On Active Service
Y.M.C.A. with
American Expeditionary Forces

Dear Mother:–

I have a letter parcially written in my little red cross bag but it is checked now so I will get it out in the A.M.

I am staying in the above discribed Y.M.C.A. and have been well used they charge half price for soldiers who are in blue.

I went out to the hospital this P.M. and had my hand fixed up I will go up again in the A.M. before the train takes me to Glasgow.

There is a lot of U.S.A. sailors here to-night it is nice to talk to a real american again for a few minuites, I never run into any one I know tho.

We have a very good view of the river and hills which are very pretty this time of the year from the Enverness Castle. The Highland railway runs thru some very pretty scenery between Aberdeen and here. I saw ducks and two swan on one lake.

I will be glad when I get back to the hospital for I think I will have some mail before I leave for Liverpool.

I stoped here and read Titus there is some fine thoughts there that I like.

I was at the pictures last night again and they were fine The name of the one Film was God and the man in the days of John Wesley, but I can see that it is not going to fill the theatre so it will be made unpopular.

Well good night Mother dear as ever your loving son