Letter to Mother from Witley South Camp, Surrey


Well we are back at our old camp again, I counted the boys in the ranks that weren’t on fatigue and there was 160 men with out the officers, then 30 of use come ahead so that is 190 and maby there is 50 so I guess there is 250 men left in the ranks of the old 128th boys.

Letter to Mother from Bramshot


I just have time to write a word this a.m. it is raining and has been off and on for about two days all the frost has gone out of the ground and it is a little muddy

Letter to Ted from Bramshot Camp, Hants


I wrote to Alice last night and got it out today but don’t know when this will get started to you, We spent the A.M. out on the ditch again, these ditching are making a bayonet fighting barrack square

Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp, Hants


It is 8.15 P.M. and I have spent ever since supper boxing and played second to young David in a boxing match against young Harris who is a friend of mine and he has asked me to spend Xmas holidays at his home in London

Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp, Hants


I wrote Warren pickard a letter here a while back and sent him my photo. the letter was returned to me for they will not let me send any kind of a photo to neutral countries as long as the war lasts

Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp, Hants


I was just reading one of your old letters and you mention having mentioned not to let them take me prisoner well I have no idea of letting them take me prisoner but any way I will only fight when I have a chance for I would not be afraid to be taken prisoner,

Letter to Teddy from Bramshot Camp, Hants


I received your letter the other day, was glad to see that you have got started threshing flax and here how good it turned out, but it all wont go so good as that south field I don’t think.

Letter to Mother


I will just write a few lines on the back of this letter. I should have written before but have put it of to late for the mail goes out tonight.

Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp


I have a letter started up at the hut but I forgot to bring it with me after supper until I was to far away to other going back after tonight but will put these together and send them tomorrow.

Letter to Horace from Bramshot Camp


I went down and found Elmer last night we had a good walk and talk together he is looking good, but I am afraid that he an’t as badly struck on England as I am, but he will live and is luckie to be 3 mo. later in getting here than I was.

Letter to Otto from Bramshot Camp


I have a letter coming from you I think but that don’t matter you will have more time to write from now on, than you have had up till now since I left in Aug.

Letter to Mother from Farnborough


I have a letter partly written to Alice at the hut but I came down town tonight to service in the methodist Wesleyan church and have a few minuits to spend so will spend them writing.

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