Letter to Teddy from Witley South Camp


I have been up to Tin Town to buy a writing pad and just came back here as far as the Y.M.C.A. hut where I thot I would write you a letter or someone a letter and when I sat down I thot of you.

Letter to Mother from Witley South Camp


I had a time to day and I enjoyed just a little of our English hospitality. Stanley and I went to Milford to Congregational church S.S. at 2.45 then we were asked out to tea seven of use.

Letter to Mother from Milford, Surrey


I have been out ever since about 2 P.M. walking away down at Milford and Godalming where I had supper and then walked some more after that we ate some more and then started home just got here at 8 P.M.

Letter to Horace from London, England


I have been out to four S.A. meetings to day two open air and two inside we had some good times but they are not different here than in canada a sincere Christian is a man or woman in any land.

Letter to Mother


I went on parade today at noon I went to the doctors and he said I should go to the Hospital I don’t know what is wrong but he said I would have to go to bed for a while.

Letter to Mother


It rained last night till I went to bed but the sun came up clear just as we were getting into camp after our little 30 minute route march from 6.30 till 7 a.m.

Letter to Ted


You are next for a letter I would go to bed but the boys are a little [goged???] to night and they are having some fun so I wont go to bed till the rest go.

Letter to Mother


It stoped raining this a.m. for a while and it looks as tho the sun would shine in a little while.

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